5 Reasons Why Many Businesses Are Still Not Leveraging The Internet Fully To Their Advantage

[Infographic] Effective Business Websites: Key Features That Make a Difference
[Infographic] Effective Business Websites: Key Features That Make a Difference

1. Some still doubt the positive results that Internet marketing can deliver.

Although a majority of consumers depend on the Internet more and more every day for work, shopping, socializing, etc., a number of businesses are still in doubt about how big a difference Internet marketing can make on their business’s bottom line. These businesses have yet to realize that in order for people to find them today, they need a web presence and an Internet marketing campaign. Even if you run a senior care center or funeral home, there are always people searching for your type of business online for their friends and family members. There is no doubt that Internet marketing is beneficial to your business.

2. Some have heard horror stories about Internet marketing from friends or competitors.

Bad stories do travel further and faster than good ones most of the time. And if someone is scared enough by a horror story, they may stop considering online marketing entirely. This prevents their business from exploring potential new markets, which may have been very promising. Overall, you should not let a bad story (or two) lead you to end your planning for online marketing.

Instead, dig deeper into the story to filter out bias statements for a clearer view or ask others who have used Internet marketing for their business from a different provider. Avoid asking others who have used the same provider who the “bad story” came from. This will help you minimize bias in your research.

3. Some chose the cheapest services and let price be the only factor in their selection process.

Many bad Internet marketing experiences come after businesses have selected providers solely based on price, which is the wrong approach. While we understand why businesses make these types of choices, this approach often leads to “you get what you pay for” which often means… poor results.

When businesses see that they are losing time and money on such projects, horror stories about online marketing arise, and spread, and they can become the roadblocks stopping other businesses in situation #1 and #2 above from testing out their potential new markets. To explore new markets for your business, read this article for tips on how to select the right SEO provider for your business.

4. Some misunderstood the difference between web design and Internet marketing/SEO.

With a lack of understanding about online marketing, many businesses often believe that designing a new website for their business and having it available online is the same as having an Internet marketing/SEO campaign, which will lead many customers to knock on their doors. This false assumption often leads to disappointment. A website is essential, but without effective Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) not enough people will find your website. This is obviously very important.

5. Some don’t know where to begin or how to search for a qualified Internet marketing firm.

Last but not least; when businesses don’t know where to begin or how to search for a qualified Internet marketing company, the action plan can often develop very slowly and sometimes get pushed back until it is almost forgotten. This is another reason why many businesses today have yet to leverage the Internet to their advantage. To avoid this in your organization, you can read this article on how to select a qualified SEO company for your business.

With many years of experience helping businesses market themselves successfully online, these are five common reasons we see that cause many businesses to fail to leverage the Internet fully to their advantage. If you identify with one or more of these reasons, call our Minneapolis web design firm today at (612) 590-8080, we will show you what online marketing success can look like for your business.

Phong Nguyen

BA from St. Olaf College
MBA from University of St. Thomas
SEO from "the School of Hard Knocks."

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