Arm Your Website With Captivating Content!

First, even good content can’t make up for poor design or a website that doesn’t work well. If you have links that don’t work, photos that don’t show up, or coding error that shows on the web page, viewers won’t stay long—and they will not be back. Also, if the colors are uninviting and the contrast is unsettling, the visitors will excuse themselves and be gone.

Even a website that’s too “busy” might offend a potential client. People want something easy to read and easy to navigate, and above all else, a website that functions properly in all aspects. For the rest of the article, we’ll assume that you have a mobile-friendly website with professional design, functionality in all areas, effective onsite-SEO, browser compatibility, and user-friendly navigation. With these key components you have the basis for an effective website when accompanied by captivating content.

Second, for your website to stand out professionally from the multitude of others that are competing for space and attention, you must have content that draws viewers in and keeps them engaged. How is that possible? One consideration is to step back a moment and think about who your audience is and what you want to say to them.

Your website was created for a purpose. What was it? Make a few notes that remind you who you are speaking to and what you would like them to do once they have read your message. This will help you create a relevant message with a subsequent call to action. It’s important to know who you want to attract and speak clearly to them. If you need help defining your audience, there are consultants available who can help you clarify your preferred clients. Your website designer can often help with this or recommend you to a trusted consultant.

Third, now that your audience is defined. What speaks to them? What language do they use? Would a bilingual or multi-lingual site be helpful? What vocabulary do they prefer: professional, technical, modern, formal, slang? It pays to know your audience and what will be inviting for them. It doesn’t work well to use technical terminology and acronyms to people outside the industry, nor might it work well to speak urban slang to seniors in a rural, assisted-living community.

It takes a bit of concentration to determine what type of message you want to deliver and which voice will be best received. Some of you may be natural writers who can sort through this and a wonderful message will unfold. For those of you who would rather be working on your core business activities, there are talented writers who can ask the right questions, do the research, and produce amazing copy for your audience.

Fourth, with a talented writer, your website will have content that is original and will represent you well. The writer needs to show consistency throughout your website to complement your branding and project the ideal image for your organization. You want to look as good online as you do in person, and words can be very compelling if they are coined with purpose and style.

People are impatient, but they will listen (or read) if there is a good story, or a promised outcome that will solve a problem or make them feel good. It is critical that your message on your home/landing page is concise and highlights your specialties very quickly. People don’t want to play guessing games at this point. They want to know quickly how you might help them. Your written content needs to be to the point, relevant, and powerful. A good writer who understands your mission and vision will be able to accomplish this for you.

Fifth, effective content is persuasive and engaging, informative and well organized. Again, the writer must understand the audience and the desired end result to achieve your goals. There must be a definite call to action that is easy for the visitor to manage immediately. Do you want the viewer to call you, fill out a form, or make a purchase? Do you want them to make a comment or share your information? If you have engaged the visitor and made the call to action simple enough, your chances of success are much better than if the request is hard to understand, takes too long, or requires too much effort or personal information. A talented web developer or writer will find ways to simplify this process so you will be pleased with the results.

Sixth, it might seem obvious, but your website content must be professionally written with minimum spelling or grammar mistakes. No matter what the style of your writing, your credibility will come into question if there are many misspelled words or incorrect grammar. There are also many words that are commonly misused (such as your/you’re, its/it’s, there/their, etc.) and Spellcheck will not always catch these.

A gifted writer will not fall into that trap. The purpose of your website is to raise your credibility and your visibility, and these mistakes and oversights will not support that goal. Be sure you have a talented writer and proofreader. Your web designer can provide this service or recommend someone who provides exceptional results.

Seventh, because people are in a hurry, websites are more likely scanned with an impatient mindset, rather than read word for word. Shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and italics for important words or phrases work well in your online endeavors. The main points should be clear and concise. Readers will respect and reward you for this approach.

Your website content provides you with the perfect opportunity to speak to your chosen audience in a language and tone that will resonate with them. By providing a relevant, informative and interesting message, you have the chance to inspire them and foster a future business relationship with them. Be sure the writing is professionally done and offers an easy next step for the potential client.  Google will rank your site higher for quality content, and visitors to your site will be interested in what you have to say.

I hope you find this information helpful. If you do, please share it with others. Thanks!

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