How A Mobile-Responsive Website Can Lead to More Sales

Limited Budget? How To Find The Right Website DesignerWhat opportunity does this create for me?

We all know Google is the primary search tool people use online to find information about things they want to learn, and products and services they want to purchase. What’s becoming clearer over time though, is the fact that more and more people are using their mobile devices to get their information prior to making purchases. In order for your website to display properly on mobile devices – it must be built to be “mobile responsive” which means it will adjust to whatever device it’s being viewed on.

Websites that are not yet mobile responsive will lose viewers as people give up on websites that are not user-friendly on their devices (i.e. smartphones and tablets.) A recent report by web analysis firm Netbiscuits, which took the opinions of 6,000 people in the US, UK, Brazil, China, and India, revealed that 96% of viewers abandoned websites due to poor experiences on their mobile devices.

This statistic points out the big difference (and lost opportunity) between standard websites and mobile responsive ones, which some organizations are unaware of. As of today a large percentage of websites still run as standard websites (or non-mobile responsive). This means once you revamp your organization’s website to be mobile responsive, you are more likely to set yourself apart from your competitors, and give yourself an opportunity to gain market share.

How can I further capitalize on this market trend?

After making your organization website user-friendly to viewers on their mobile devices, the next step is to drive more of your target audience to your website via online marketing campaigns through search engine optimization (SEO). SEO makes your website pop up near the top on Google’s page one for the keywords that your target audience often uses to search for your products, services, and organization. This is the best way to drive traffic to your website.

You may wonder, is the cost worth the investment?  That depends. If you choose a great SEO company whose mission is to deliver the results they promise and to build a good relationship with you, which later contributes to building their good reputation and brand, then most likely your return on investment (ROI) will be very positive. Strong providers will provide you with guarantees for you on the project and list them clearly on your contract to prove they are committed and intend to deliver on their promises.

Please don’t try comparing these providers with someone who emailed you with an offer to promote your SEO campaign for $99. The two are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to professional online marketing services. A comprehensive, capable online marketing provider is often one you’ll find in the top 10 organic searches when YOU GOOGLE SEARCH for online marketing services, instead of providers who keep sending you emails with offers that seem too good to be true. An effective SEO campaign isn’t possible for $99. Capable providers are too busy delivering results for their clients to send mass emails with unrealistic ($99) SEO offers.

So a strong SEO provider should yield me a positive ROI. What kind of SEO provider will also save me time, and money?

Often full-service web design and SEO companies can save you time and money. These providers have a complete team of web designers, developers, and online marketers that ensure your website is designed and programed to be search-engine-friendly and user-friendly. You don’t have to deal with the headaches and time wasted going to multiple providers to complete your project. By consolidating your SEO marketing campaign with one great SEO provider, you can ensure your website is built right from beginning and has an intelligent team of online marketers working smartly, to deliver on their promises.

If you are serious about your online marketing efforts, do a GOOGLE SEARCH for providers that rank well in SEO themselves. Any smart provider will recommend that you build a mobile responsive website and provide an official contract for you that states explicitly the positive results they’ll deliver for you.

While most of us have limited budgets, don’t let price alone determine your final decision, because often the old saying is true: “You get what you pay for.” You should analyze critically all offers, compare them, and be reasonable; because good web design and web marketing take time and effort. Hope you find this article helpful. If you do, please share it with others. Thanks!

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